Press Release | 21 Day Site Rule

The ACU Trial GB Series returns next weekend (18.08) for Round 3 of the 2024 championship.


Recently it has come to the attention of myself (Trial GB Series Manager) in recent weeks, of concern expressed by multiple competitors regarding the potential for unfair advantage to be gained at Trial GB events.


Some of you reading this may already be familiar with the ‘21-day rule’ that has been woven into the series regulations for many years. A regulation that is designed, as far as is practical, to promote equality between local riders and those traveling some distance for national level competition.


Taken directly from the Series Regulations: “It is not permitted for any practice to be held at a Trial GB venue within 21 days prior to the Championship event”.


With this being said I do understand that some land owners also operate as a business for our beloved sport and operate pay and play practice days on land that is also used for our Trial GB events.


Considering the land access issues that threatens our sport this is a fantastic phenomenon and is not something the ACU are to interfere with or place any restrictions upon. We hope such business prosper and encourage new riders into the sport.

However, as the Trial GB Series Manager I would like to ensure all riders, and those with interest in the series to be aware that this rule exists and has done so for many years.


I would therefore like to encourage any rider who plans to compete in any of the remaining Trial GB events in 2024 to consider where they choose to practice in the days preceding an event. Any fair evidence to suggest a rider has sought an advantage, intentionally or otherwise, may result in a potential disqualification from Trial GB events.


The Rules and Regulations which govern the sport of Motorcycle Trials and the Trial GB Series itself are listed on the series website here.


If you have any questions on the matter, please send an e-mail to [email protected] where I will be happy to answer any queries for you.


Barry Huskinson | ACU Trial GB Series Manager

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